

Talk to us

SitRelief's main goal is to help you return to activities abandoned due to sitting pain and thrive once again. Communicate with our founder, and the inventor of our product, Terry Delonas, and discuss how SitRelief Shorts can help you get back to the table of life.

Tell Us Your Experience with SitRelief Shorts

You may also tells us of your experiences using SitRelief Shorts. We have heard so many life changing comments from SitRelief Shorts users already. We would like to know about your experience. Email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Submit Your Photos

You may also submit photos and video clips of yourself participating in activities wearing SitRelief Shorts to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . With your permission, we will show these at this web site to help others recognize that they can return to the "Table of Life" in comfort and “start living again.”

Be A Speaker for SitRelief Shorts

If you are a satisfied customer and would like to speak to others in your community about your experience with SitRelief Shorts, SitRelief will provide you with a brief PowerPoint presentation and brochures. Email us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Cushioning covers the entire sitting area from the waist to mid thigh, providing extended sitting comfort.

SitRelief Shorts reduced the average sitting pressure over 50% for the whole sitting area. The pressure was reduced a dramatic 72% under the ischial bones, the area of peak pressure.


SitRelief Shorts are:

  • Discreet padded undergarment
  • Anatomically designed (patent pending)
  • Clinically tested by physicians
  • Sitting pain relieving
  • Lightweight Poylester/Spandex
  • Performance apparel design
  • Washable & quick drying
  • Made in the USA by SitRelief

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